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Mt. 1595

Rifugio Madonna della Neve

Rifugio Madonna della Neve Hut is located in the middle of Val Biandino, in Introbio municipality in Lecco province. Tourist destination par excellence of Valsassina, it’s the ideal place for a peaceful holiday surrounded by nature. The cuisine is renowned, the service well-groomed. Rooms: from two, four or six bunk beds, provided with sheets and heating. In summer, you can take beautiful walks suitable for the whole familyand in winter it’t the perfect destination for snowshoeing.
Beds: 24 Dining seats: 38 External table seats: 40
  • Animals Allowed
  • GSM Coverage
  • Sheet Bag For Sale
  • Duvets
  • Hot Water
  • Current 220V
  • Shower
  • Local Products
  • Selection Of Bottled Wines
  • Menu for Vegetarians
  • Menu for Intolerant People
  • Bancomat
Ideal starting point for thousands hikes of snowshoeing.
Typical Cuisine: specialities: Baked spareribs Costine and Biandino cakes.
Accurate service and comfortable atmosphere.
Possibility of small cerimonies.